The California State University (CSU) participates in the Early Assessment Program (EAP), an academic preparation program to help high school students meet college-readiness standards in English language arts and mathematics before admission to a CSU campus.
How will the CSU know if I’m college ready?
Before beginning your senior year, you and your high school will receive a report indicating your readiness for college-level English-language arts and mathematics. This report will be shared with the CSU if you “bubble in” the section in each exam that says release your EAP results to the California State University.
It’s easy to participate in the program!
The optional EAP college readiness exams are administered during the spring semester of the 11th grade as part of the required California Standards Tests (CSTs).These exams include the following:
- Early Assessment of Readiness for College English (15 additional items and a 45-minute essay)
- Early Assessment of Readiness for College Mathematics (15 additional items)
Eleventh graders will be notified of testing dates in early spring.
Preparation is key!
Students who receive exemptions from CSU placement tests in English language arts and/or mathematics can enroll in college-level coursework without having to take remedial classes. Students who haven’t received these exemptions must take a more serious approach to their senior year coursework. Completing appropriate 12th-grade English and math courses will result in students being better prepared for their collegiate studies. Please consider taking the EAP college readiness exams. The EAP will be very helpful to you and the CSU in making plans for your higher education.